
Serena will ensure a Grand Slam entrance, this spring green is our homage to the Queen of the Court, Serena Williams. Holding the most Grand Slam titles, this fierce lady isn't afraid to stand her ground. When told she wasn’t allowed to wear her catsuit at the French Open, so she showed up in a tutu! YAAAS QUEEN!

  • Gelé produkt
  • Højt pigmenteret og formidabel dækkeevne
  • Trækker sig ikke sammen og gulner ikke
  • Holdbarhed op til 4 uger
  • Fungerer med både LED og UV lys
  • Soak off

En flaske rækker til ca. 110 lakeringer.

Serena will ensure a Grand Slam entrance, this spring green is our homage to the Queen of the Court, Serena Williams. Holding the most Grand Slam titles, this fierce lady isn't afraid to stand her ground. When told she wasn’t allowed to wear her catsuit at the French Open, so she showed up in a tutu! YAAAS QUEEN!

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